Marketing Webinar


Marketing Webinars

The Move With Balance® webinar is a upgraded powerpoint, more like video. The state of Maryland requested we make this webinar for their Area Offices on Aging. Karen Peterson, founder of Move With Balance®; William Fuller, musician; Lorrin Pang MD, Maui District Health Officer; and Kristin Mill, epidemiologist with the Hawaii Department of Health speak on their areas of expertise on the webinar.



Marketing Webinars

We have two versions, 44 minutes and 25 minutes. The long version is complete; the short version has less on program evaluation. The webinar gives you a very clear understanding of the program. An Area Agencies on Aging can share these webinars with other AAA’s in their state. Departments of Health can share these webinars with prospective health practitioners.

The marketing videos give you the whole gist of Move With Balance®, and are valuable for anyone promoting MWB to any venue, such as senior centers, assisted living, adult day care centers, etc.

This is the long version.  Please send me an email if you are interested in the short version.


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