Book Videos

Move With Balance® Demonstration Videos

Follow the 3 steps below to understand and gain access to the book demonstration videos

Step 1

Go to the Basic Cross-Crawl section in your book and watch the sample video below.

Basic Cross-Crawl Sample Video

This sample video is an example of the demonstrations associated with the book.

Step 2

The videos on this site are password protected. You need to fill out the form below to request access.

In the message section, please indicate where you purchased the book from (MWB website, Amazon, etc.), Date of Purchase, and if you plan on using these videos as an individual, a caregiver, or a group leader. Please allow 24 hours for password to be emailed to you. If you have other questions, please fill out our support form here.

Video Access Request

15 + 3 =

Step 3

Click the Book Vidoe button below to gain access to the book demonstration videos

There are over 60 videos that are designed to integrate with the activities found in the Move With Balance book. Once you have receive the password from Step 2, click the button video button below to gain access


Book Videos

Click Movie icon above and enter password